
David Lano’s life has not been an easy one. He lived it in a tough, hard world, on a periphery of lust, violence, and drunkeness, but never touched by it. And in his account of his years, there shines through a proud, honest, trusting man who found some good in everyone, who saw something better beyond the bend in the road, and who lived his life fully and completely, moment by moment. He loved his family and his work, took the buffets of misfortune without complaint, and never regretted a minute of it.

David Lano gave most of his life to the mission of bringing happiness to thousands through his own kind of “little theatre.” He spoke of escape and delight through the silent mouths of the little people, his marionettes, to crowds that needed to know life has a lighter side. All that has remained to him after years of privation and hardship, of achievement and triumph that too soon faded, was the writing of this astonishing book. In it he has put, in his own way, the dust and mud of a thousand show lots, the smoky glow of oil pots and the glare of oil pots and the glare of gaslights, the noise and glitter and blood-quickening excitement of seventy-eight years of the wandering showman’s life.